April 22, 2024

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Orca Digest - April 22


April 22 - May 3 - SESSFA Move-a-thon
April 22-26 National Volunteer Week 
May 4 - Garden Clean Up Work Party (10-1pm)
May 6-10 – Teacher Appreciation Week
May 14 – Executive PTSA Meeting (7pm)
May 18 - Plant Sale Fundraiser (10-2pm)
May 18-25 - Online Auction
June 11 - All School BBQ and Potluck (time TBD)


Orca Spotlight
This month we would like to recognize our wonderful Teacher Librarian, Tracy Appleyard. Making sure that all of our kids feel represented on the shelves of the library has been a priority for Tracy, as well as creating a welcoming space for learning. As with many of the folks in the building this year, she does much more than her job description to help out all the kids/teachers/staff in our Orca community. We truly appreciate your hard work, Tracy.


Legislative Corner Updates (2 Events Upcoming)
ACTION ALERT 1: This is an invitation to your PTSA board and community to attend an in-person District 7 community meeting with School Board Director Brandon Hersey on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 from 6-8pm at the Rainier Beach Community Center (8825 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118).
At this meeting, Director Hersey will describe the responsibilities of the School Board, its approach to improving student outcomes, and how families and community members can engage with the School Board around this important work. Director Hersey will also talk about the development of an updated SPS Strategic Plan for 2024–2029 and the role of families and communities in that process. As space at this meeting is limited, we are requesting RSVPs from those planning to attend to help us prepare and plan with space limits. Food will be available at the in-person event.
We are aware that this is very short notice, and we apologize that we were not able to provide more lead time. Additional meetings are in the planning before the end of the school year, and we are working on being able to send you those dates in the near future.
Sincerely, Seattle Council PTSA
ACTION ALERT 2: Urge the School Board to delay commitment to 2025-26 School Year budget proposals UNTIL school communities have engaged with and contributed to proposals. SPS will unveil its Well-Resourced Schools plan and other budget proposals at the May 8th Board meeting. Earlier this month at the April 3rd School Board meeting, Superintendent Jones explained that this proposal will be the District’s “North Star” to guide the district through 2030. Dr. Jones also told the board that at the May 8th board meeting, he will be seeking from the board “very clear direction to keep pursuing this direction or go a different way, because it's going to take a heavy lift to do these things.”

News & Updates

We All Belong at Orca K-8
At our last General Meeting, we had a guest speaker from PFLAG, Kelli Kirk, who also happens to be a former Orca parent. PFLAG (https://pflag.org) is the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. For those who were unable to attend, we wanted to share the resources she provided that can help you with conversations around this topic with your students. Additional action is clearly needed to get Orca moving in the right direction though, so please reach out to the PTSA (president@orca-k8-ptsa.org) if you might be interested in helping out on the Belonging Committee or in a different role to help us create a safe and positive community for all students/staff/families at Orca.

Let’s show our appreciation to our wonderful teachers!
May 6-10
We know you are all busy with Spring activities but this coming week is teacher appreciation week. We have put together a schedule below, providing you with a few ways your family can say thank to our wonderful Orca teachers. Please don’t feel obligated to do something every day but this schedule will give you a few different options to show your appreciation to our educators. Especially with the current SPS budget struggles, showing our support in any way we can will go a long way!

MONDAY (5/6) - Bring a note to your teacher
TUESDAY (5/7) - Bring a yummy treat for your teacher
WEDNESDAY (5/8) - Bring some art you made for your teacher
THURSDAY (5/9) - Bring a flower for your teacher
FRIDAY (5/10) - PTSA will provide box lunches for all staff

Hanging Baskets are available for pre-order NOW!
Do you like plants? Do you like baskets? Do you like hanging things? Well, you are in luck and should pre-order your hanging basket today with pick-up at the Plant Sale on May 18th. This is a perfect gift for family or friends and a wonderful way to support the Orca PTSA. Please use the QR code below or jump on the PTSA website for more plant sale information (https://orcak8-ptsa.memberplanet.com/OrcaGarden.html).

Culinary Club Update
A message from Otis Worthy
“I’ve just finished the first six-week cooking course for Orca (Middle School). I am exhausted but extremely grateful. This would not have been possible without the support of administration, staff, parents, friends & family. So, to all those who gave their equipment and supplies, their space, their funds, their patience and grace: You’ve made a difference in the kid’s lives and mine.”

Orca Plus Spring Session is Starting
Ukulele and Bricks are still open sessions but they start this week! Jump on six crickets (https://www.6crickets.com/) today if you are still interested in signing up for this session!

Upcoming Events
The Move-a-thon Fundraiser (SESSFA) has begun!!!!
April 22nd - May 3rd
It is time, once again, for the SESSFA Move-A-Thon.  This year we have two cumulative goals for our schools; a $500,000 donation goal, and a movement goal to circumnavigate the earth (more on this below). We need your help!
This year, each child will get:
1) A Bingo Board - with movement activities and info on the back
2) An Info sheet for parents with more information
3) A small envelope for cash and check donations
4) A clip-on pedometer 
The pedometer is for our "move around the world" goal.  Students can track their steps, and then input them into our step tracker at www.sessfa.org. There is a globe that will track how far students have cumulatively moved, and a map that will show us various cities that we might visit on the journey. There is also a spot for adults to track their steps, so we can race the kids around the world.
The event is two weeks long but on May 1st we will be having our kids moving at Orca K-8! We need setup/cleanup help and during the various shifts: K-2 from 9:05-9:35am, Grades 3-5 from 9:40-10:10am and middle school from 1:40-2:10pm. Please volunteer on the Orca Playground during the event. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up.

Garden Work Party
Show the Orca Garden some love during our Spring Work Party on Saturday, May 4th from 10-1pm! Help Anthony weed, dig, and give our cherished space the seasonal TLC it needs to thrive this spring. No sign-up needed. All ages welcome. Dress accordingly. 

Orca K-8 PTSA Plant Sale
Join us on Saturday, May 18th from 10-2pm to shop tomatoes, flowers, herbs, hanging baskets, veggies, berries, and more! Hanging Baskets are available for pre-order now through May 8th. To learn more about the sale and the many ways you can support, visit: https://orcak8-ptsa.memberplanet.com/OrcaGarden.html. These are the ways you can help!
Shop day-of or preorder hanging baskets by May 8th for pickup (https://orcak8-ptsa.memberplanet.com/OrcaGarden.html).
Have extra plant starts? Too many things growing in your yard?
Drop them at the Orca K-8 Garden by May 15th for us to price and sell.
Sign up to price plants (week of May 13th) or to set up, run, and/or wrap up (May 18th):
Spread the Word
Help hang posters or spread the word in new and unique ways. Interested?
Email garden-liaison@orca-k8-ptsa.org and co.garden-liaison@orca-k8-ptsa.org to share your ideas.
Learn more about garden activities here!
Orca Spring Online Auction 
May 18th- May 25th
It’s a Whale of an Auction & we’re fin-ancing our future!

We need your help. Do you have a cool item or activity you’d like to donate? Know any friends that do? How about Alumni and Orca K-8 fans who would be interested in bidding on items? Spread the word and spread the love!
We're accepting item donations through May 3rd (link is: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMstK1CiH44IBcOut0vyIChKwV3amBJukNKSd2N3_F0Iv0qw/viewform)

The beginning of the school year we launched the Garden Campaign, as that is where the majority of PTSA funds are spent. The auction is the other key annual fundraiser we have. Beyond the fabulous garden, the PTSA also supports important Orca enrichment programs like Orca Plus & Speak With Purpose. We give stipends to all teachers, as well as additional funding for Art, Physical Education, and Library.
Donate an item, gift card, events tickets to the auction HERE